Monday, December 9, 2019

An Early Birthday

 I've got soap curing all over the place. I've never made so much soap at one time. It's a good thing because everyone keeps asking me for some. My retired teacher friends were disappointed that I didn't show up with my usual bag full to give away. I felt bad but I assured them I'll have plenty next time.

I love these big chunky bars. This one is Black Salt and Cypress. I come in and look at it every day. It's so pretty.

Even though I've got way too much soap curing I still have an itch to scratch. I want to make some Castile soap. That is soap made from one thing....olive oil. No fancy butters or milk additives, just olive oil. It has to cure for almost a year so if I make it now it will be ready by next Christmas-if I can keep my hands off of it for that long.

Since I've been in the soap making groove lately, I gave myself an early birthday present. A stick blender with a detachable blade I found on Amazon during their Cyber Monday sale. I hate dragging my old one piece blender through the house to clean. It's just a matter of time before I trip over the cord.

My real birthday isn't until next Monday but I also gave myself another present-a big one.  Here's a little hint. I'm so excited about it that I can't wait to show it to you-but we'll both have to wait until it gets here. Squeeee.....


  1. Those soaps really look like yummy cakes! Beautiful! Liana

  2. Ooh, now you have me excited over your present. :-) . That black salt soap is beautiful. It looks almost like chocolate cake on my computer screen.

  3. Your soaps are truly works of art. Gorgeous!

  4. That black soap is gorgeous! Can't wait to see what you got yourself for your birthday.

  5. Happy early birthday! I've bought myself a few pairs of new boots as my early birthday present!

  6. Beautiful soap! I've enjoyed the bars you sent last year, so I can understand why your retired friends were disappointed.

  7. Some of your soaps look like dessert! Bet the soap room smells wonderful. Neat new toy to use with your soap making. No idea about the birthday present but I bet it is special.

  8. Well I hope it is a puppy or a kitten!!! Happy celebrate all month !!! You deserve it. Your soaps are packages so nicely!

  9. Happy Birthday a bit early! Be good to yourself! Order more "stuff" :)

  10. Beautiful soap! Fun to be excited about a birthday gift with you!
