Friday, March 1, 2024

Friday Flowers


I was planning on posting about fiber today but I haven't gotten very far with the Yak. All this warm, window open kind of weather is not very conducive to woolly wool I'm afraid. I really should be getting ready for the 2024 Tour de Fleece but right now I've got spring fever. 

And who can blame me? Right outside my door my Narcissus are doing there thing. They are the cutest. The flowering season is very short here under the trees. Once the leaves fill in-that's it. 

My daffodils are making a valiant effort to push up through all the winter debris. My yard is a mess. With all the surgery we went through last year, I could barely keep up with the yard work and it shows. We've had rain all week but when that sun comes out I need to get to work.

I've got more crocus in bloom.

This used to be my favorite patch of them but it's getting smaller every year. Time to put in some new bulbs-if I remember. 

The giant pink camellia is so heavy with blooms and buds it's about to knock the fence over. We're going to have to trim it back as much as I hate to. 

I know this is an invasive species and I am supposed to kill it but I love all those little yellow flowers that are going to pop up everywhere in a few weeks. Right now we only have a few popping up here and there.

And...finally, I found one pitiful little Vinca in bloom. The vine has taken over the awful looking front beds. They need to be completely started over. The Mister is in fine form this year so no excuses. We need to spend a lot of time and money outside for a change. 


  1. Look at all of that spring at your house! No signs of it here yet although we've had some beautiful weather in February. I hope March continues the same.
    It's good to be back reading your updates my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. A lovely assortment of flowers! I really want a camellia so I will have to drop lots of hints around Mother's Day or just go buy myself one. We have daffodils pushing up but not much is actually in blossom here yet.

  3. Spring is really popping up at your house.

  4. Our poor daffodils got all beaten down during the 8" of rain we've had this week. Sad face. I enjoy seeing yours though!

  5. Oh, how nice to be able to work on the yard together and not when you also have to be the full-time nurse! The camellias are stunning!

  6. That vinca is crazy, isn't it? Years ago a gardener planted ONE plant, and now it's trying to take over the yard! You have way more spring flowers than we do here. Oh, how do you tell the difference between daffodils and narcissus?

  7. Beautiful flowers. My daffodils are still a long way off, but I'm enjoying my few crocuses so far
