Monday, March 25, 2024

More Leftovers


Who has leftover beer? We did. For one reason or another we had two cans of expired beer in the back of the refrigerator. I was going to dump them when I remembered.... can make soap out of beer. You have to cook it down first to get the alcohol out and then let it cool so that's just what I did. 

All of my soap stuff has been cleaned and packed away so I ended up having to measure everything out in the kitchen this time around. I had to use a lot of my cooking oils because I was pretty much out of everything else so the location worked out well. 

It's a simple soap to put together but it STINKS. So much so that I mixed it all up and poured it into the mold outside. I had been warned about that smell in the videos that I had watched. 

By the time I had everything cleaned up and back where it belonged that smell was gone. Since my incubator was crammed full of stuff that I had put away, I had to make one out of a dishpan turned upside down. This soap, being made primarily of soft oils, will have a longer time in the mold. I'm giving it 48 hours instead of my usual 24 before I try to unmold it. 

And.......after my soap making adventure we took a walk and lo and behold, all the construction fencing was gone from the new library down at the beach. We could walk right up to it and take a look around the grounds so we did. It's going to open on the 16th of April with a ribbon cutting. I know The Mister can't wait. He gets panicky if he doesn't have a pile of books and our dinky old library's been closed for a few weeks now as they prepare for the big move. 


  1. Ha! I've never heard of expired beer!

  2. I was going to suggest beer bread but you found a great use for your leftover beer. I'm glad the smell dissipated because stinky beer soap does not sound like it would be nice to use. That is a fancy new library!

  3. Beer soap? Now I think I've heard it all! :-) It will be interesting to see how it turns out.
    A new library will be fun to explore. The roof design is interesting and we have several buildings here with a similar design.

  4. Soap out of beer - now that is interesting. Does it smell like the beer?

  5. Beer soap... interesting! I've never heard of that before. Hope the unmolding goes well. I know you're excited for your new library. Three weeks is a long time to wait to get new reading material.

  6. The new library looks beautiful! I love how you made 'lemonade' out of leftover beer 'lemons'. I'm sure I would have just poured it down the drain (and really, does it ever expire?)

  7. What a cool idea to use the beer! And a surprising one! The new library is pretty artsy!
