Sunday, March 17, 2024

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Duit!


This is the very first St Patrick's Day that I can celebrate while knowing that I am 14% Irish. I had no idea. I was pretty sure I was plain ole English but it seems I'm not. 16% Scottish. 9% Welsh. How interesting. 

Having your DNA done still doesn't fill in that family tree. I've been banging my head on the wall trying to figure out the connections between my DNA relatives and the ones that seem to belong on a branch. What I have learned is that families are very complicated and keep a lot of secrets.

Today we will be eating yesterday's leftovers. I started celebrating early because I decided that since I'm now somewhat Irish American I can have the whole weekend, right? 
Happy St Patrick's Day!


  1. I don't know how Irish I might be, but your Irish spread looks delicious. I'd eat those leftovers anytime!

  2. Mom used to make corned beef and cabbage every year. I suppose it's something that I should learn to do.
    Congrats on being partially Irish!

  3. A whole weekend is absolutely encouraged! Enjoy! The cupcakes look delicious!!!

  4. I can just imagine the hanky panky that went on in my family. I know a lot of it already - but it would not surprise me to find out there was a whole lot more!

  5. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm IBM (Irish by Marriage) but I can still enjoy a green cupcake!
