Sunday, March 3, 2024

Soap Week(s) Finale


You know it's the end of a soap making event when you see all my equipment squeaky clean after having been run through the dishwasher. It's time to put it away and re-claim the room for other projects. 

Thanks to Pup's illness I didn't have time to do much of anything around here all week but I did finish up the last of all my oils with two more loaves of soap. This is another unscented batch I call Milk and Honey. I used up all my milk additives on this one-goat, coconut and yogurt. 

I think it's exceptionally pretty. It just goes to show you that when I'm in rush and keep things simple I get better results. 

The next day I tried to recreate that simple pour and got this. It's Vanilla Bean. I used up all of my more unusual sample oils in this one so it's going to be interesting to see how it turns out.

Since it was raining all day we decided to get this chore done. I had a pleasant surprise when I got all of my state taxes I paid in returned thanks to a new Maryland law but The Mister had to pay in more. He's a federal retiree and not a state retiree so he didn't qualify.  He was not happy. 

As for Pup, don't let this pitiful pose fool you. She's doing much better. She's pretty much back to normal. Thank goodness. Now maybe I can do something today other than sit and worry. 


  1. Wow! Those soap batches are stunning! Hooray for the tax refund! I predict fun ahead! I'm glad Pup is doing better!!!!

  2. Glad Pup is feeling better.

  3. Both of those soap batches are really beautiful! Add in a tax refund and Pup back to normal and that makes for a terrific weekend. Enjoy!

  4. So glad for the good news about Pup and your taxes. Have a nice day!

  5. Gorgeous soap bars! I’m glad that Pup is on the mend.

  6. Love your experiments and so happy that Pup is back to almost normal! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  7. Well this is a good weekend for you. Pup is better, the soap is beautiful and tax money back. We weren't so lucky this year because the marketplace recorded our income wrong for my health insurance. We only notified them in writing four (4) times, I don't know why they could be expected to get it right. Grrrrrrr.
    Blessings and hugs,
