Thursday, March 28, 2024

Ready, Sett, Go...


Remember this? I was happily threading my ends through the dents in the reed. A 10 dent reed to be exact. The one I almost always use for this size cotton which is 8/2.

Now it looks like this-only that's not the same reed. That's a 12 dent reed because when I got to the end of the line I was out of slots to pull the yarn through. I was baffled. I've done this particular draft many times and it always works out. Not this time.

Upon closer examination, I discovered that I had added an extra rust colored section on the right hand side. The symmetry is off. I could rip it all out and unwind it to fix it but I'm not. I just changed the reed to give me more slots. What that's going to do to the fabric, I have no idea so I took a crash course on how it might affect the sett but the math made my head hurt. Sett btw is like a knitting swatch. It's how many ends are in an inch of fabric so this should be a more compacted fabric. It also might cause some breakage in the warp because it's a tighter fit. After a lot of thinking, I decided I'm just going to use this as an experiment because.....

...I'm more interested in getting to this. It's my sock yarn scarf waiting for its turn on the loom. I sure don't need another dishtowel but I could really use a new scarf.


  1. That may be an interesting experiment and maybe even a design feature! Weaving sounds like painting to me; doing the actual thing isn't too difficult and might even be fun but it sure takes a lot of preparation time.

  2. Definitely a puzzlement to me...but then, I do not weave. Hope it all works out for you.

  3. Don't you wonder how it will all work out?! It should be fine and who knows, we will all learn something!

  4. sometimes you just need to experiment and see what happens!

  5. I can't imagine having to do the math. I can't even remember the difference between warp and weft. I really do need to get my no longer considered 'new' but barely used loom out and play with it.

  6. If anyone can master this experiment it is you! It all hurts my brain. :-) I do like all of the colors together though.

  7. Weaving amazes me; fabulous work. On a fairly weird note, though, the wooden clothespins? I have hung a LOT of laundry up using those, and can still "taste" the ones I'd hold in my mouth to keep from reaching into the pins bag constantly.

  8. This whole blog post was written in a foreign langugage.
