Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


I'm going to show off some knitting progress today but I can assure you NO knitting happened yesterday. You know all those bags of mulch and dirt in the back of our truck? They are on the ground after a day of planting shrubs. It was a long, hard day. Before that I managed to bind off the ribbing at the bottom of the Worsted Gray Blob so it's now the sleeve's turn for attention.

Over the weekend I continued my battle with Riddari. I am still hating on those three color rows. I am free of them for a while now thank goodness but there are plenty more to come. 

I'm working my way down the 4th row of Audun which is always a pleasure to pick up. 

I got that shipment of sock yarn from WEBs yesterday. This will be the warp for a scarf I am going to weave-when I can catch my breath from all this yard work. 

And....yet another Barbie showed up for my collection yesterday. Meet the Empress of China, Wu Zhao. I had almost all ethnic groups represented by Barbies but I was missing an Asian doll. She's so beautiful that I hate to disturb her and take her out of her lovely box but it has to be done. Maybe tomorrow-when I'm not a dirty mess from working outside all day. 


  1. Your knitting is looking good and I bet your yard is, too! Hopefully today you can relax and admire how good your yard looks, maybe while playing with/admiring your newest Barbie.

  2. Auden is so pretty - it must be a delight to pull it out and add some to it. So many colors!

  3. The BIg Grey Blob is looking great! Almost finished too. You're other projects are so pretty. I have never done colorwork like your Ridari. I'm afraid to. And as alway Auden is wonderful.
    I can't believe you two unloaded and put down all of that mulch in one day! You must be working machines. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Love all your projects. Auden has inspired me to start my own granny square project.

  5. Your knitting looks terrific! And congrats on getting out to the yard--I have to go turn over my veggie beds and get some seeds in, maybe this weekend!

  6. Not fun but always a huge accomplishment to plant bushes and lay out the mulch!!!! The knitting is looking great--you can do it! The newest doll is so regal!
