Monday, September 11, 2023



Look at that. That's the backing to the Big Ugly and it should be stuck down after what seemed like hours of ironing but it's NOT. It seems I got a dud roll of that sticky batting that's so crucial to pucker free machine quilting. I was NOT happy. That stuff is not cheap. 

There was nothing to do but pin, pin, pin. I used every pin in the house. 

Since this loosey goosey quilt sandwich is not going to tolerate storage very well I had no choice but to get as much done as I could especially in the center. 

All my plans for anything fancy went right out the window. I'm meandering for dear life. So far no puckers on the back but that could change at any minute. 


  1. Here's hoping for continued non-puckering.

  2. It will be definitely worth all your time and effort!

  3. A pucker or two won't wreck the usability of the quilt, so don't stress if you get one.

  4. I hope it goes smoothly for you!!! It is a beauty of a job! Bummer about the batting...

  5. Bravo to you for sticking with it! It looks like it will be a nice finish.
