Sunday, September 3, 2023

Fall Preview


Mother Nature's given us two glorious days so we set out on a little adventure. 

Just a few blocks from the boardwalk there is a little nature center on the wetlands. There's a little walking trail through some really lovely pine trees.

I love the smell of a pine needle forest. I need to come back with a bag to get some of those pinecones. I like to fill the empty flower pots on the front porch with them in the winter. 

There was some red mixed in with the green. 

In spite of all the hints of fall, they are calling for some of the hottest weather all summer for next week. Booooooo.....I am so ready for sweater weather but we've got a long way to go here in the Mid Atlantic. Fall doesn't usually show up until Halloween and that's still a long way away.

Oh, well.....I can hide away from the hot weather and enjoy the nice days that are sure to come. I'm an expert at finding shady spots to knit in these days. 

I just wish Pup would give me more than a few minutes to do it before she's ready to go again.

It may not be fall outside yet but it's fall inside. I made some pumpkin bread and it smells even better than that pumpkin soap I just made. Tastes better too....

And speaking of soap....that scary looking Hemp and Avocado loaf didn't turn out too scary after all. Just scary enough I think.


  1. That spot you found to knit is just perfect. I wouldn't get much knitting done though. I would just be staring at the water.

  2. Looks like a wonderful walk! Sorry Pup doesn't need a longer break so you can knit! lol
