Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wednesday WIPs and Walkabouts


The WIPs are not very interesting this week. I had to get that naughty sock back to where it was and I did. Then I got all the socks I have on the needles up to the heel flap.

I even got my travel sock up to the heel. I'm on a roll with my socks but my other projects suffered. 

As for the walkabouts, the weather here has been insane. So warm. Maybe 80 on Thursday(!). We've taken advantage by getting out as much as possible-another reason my projects have seen no love this week. 

Look at the trees across the street from the boardwalk. All in bud. It looks like April. It's crazy.

Back at home I've been digging my poor spring flowers out from under winter debris. They are poking up all over the place and are having a terrible time doing it. They needed help.

I've got crocus everywhere. 

Even my little Narcissus are in bloom. It's crazy. Just crazy.


  1. It's all crazy. There is a huge blizzard happening just about 30 miles north of us. Seriously. The cut-off line is that perfect in this storm. They could get 24 inches of snow. We "might" get 3 inches, but only a 30% chance. This entire winter has been crazy. And then it's supposed to be in the 50's by Friday and Saturday.
    At least you have beautiful spring flowers to enjoy. :-) I haven't seen any of those yet.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. So jealous of your blue skies and flowers. We are supposed to get an ice storm today and it's supposed to last well into tomorrow. I just really hope the power doesn't go out. I don't want to listen to Dave whine

  3. Even though it's (too) early, I love seeing your flowers. Your socks are like eye candy too. Better to let your projects just sit while you gather natural Vitamin D from the sun! It will be warm here tomorrow too.

  4. Enjoy the warm while it is here-we know it won't last this early! The flowers are pretty! Nice job giving your socks equal opportunities!

  5. It’s a pity the plants are so confused. I hope the weather doesn’t change quickly and cause damage. Snowing outside my window and a bitter cold windchill has me hunkering down inside. Love all your socks!
