Friday, September 17, 2021

On the Road Again


I turned the heel on the Walrus sock while we drove over to Lowes again yesterday morning.

We had an 11:00 appointment to order the counter top and the sink. 

The Mister and I had both woke up with nightmares the night before. His was about the flooring. Mine was about the counter top. Since nothing has been going right I was second guessing my choice. This would be a very big and costly mistake so I wanted to get it right. After tossing and turning about it and finally getting up and looking at every image I could find online........I decided I had made the right decision after all. I wanted something plain. I am not showy. My house is not showy. I like simple and my plain gray quartz counter will suit me just fine. 

Since I wanted an under counter sink I had to decide on that too. They only had this one to show me but I didn't want a double sink anymore so I'll be getting this one in a single. 

I didn't want a quartz back splash so I also had to decide on tile. I want plain white subway tile.....

....but The Mister was trying to talk me into something more adventurous. I wasn't in an adventurous mood since it was hot and humid and I had a headache coming on.  I've got time to decide on the tile so we called it a draw and will come back to it another day. 

The highlight of the trip was stopping on the way home for donuts. I ate a pumpkin and a maple one all in one sitting and was very sorry about it later but it did help fill up that worry spot that just won't seem to go away.  I've come to the conclusion that I love ripping stuff out but HATE putting it all back. Too many decisions. 


  1. Still so much to do! I would be totally confused at this point. LOL

  2. You sound like me. I'm always afraid of making the wrong decision. I have to decide on the bathroom floors soon and I'm worrying about it too.
    You're going to love your new sink. I had one like that in our last house and the trailer too. This house I had to get a regular old cast iron double sink because of the countertops. We're NOT replacing them even though I don't like fake butcher block. You can't go wrong with white subway backsplash. It never goes out of style and looks so classic. The other, flashier type will change to something else in a year or two. It always does.
    Have fun and enjoy the process if you can. From what I've seen, you're going to have one beautiful kitchen when you're finished.

  3. You've made good choices and it is so much better than nothing you can rest assured you are going to love it!!!! The knitting and donuts just added to the day!

  4. I'm the opposite... I prefer to put things back together. Luckily, I've got two demolition men for the demo!
    Of course, dealing with all you have, I'm not surprised you're over it!
    That said, I love your counter choice. We are mostly trying to stick to "classic" design choices with the house. I have no intention of moving EVER... but Dave wants us to keep resale in mind. Though I would be tempted by a fancier tile like the Mister.

  5. Oh your countertop is beautiful! Yes I would like just one big sink also...I like the ones with the racks that sit on a rail...great place to dry a few dishes! So many decisions! I made a design board and that really helped me to get the right hues when I went to the store. I took a small board with the satin finish of our walls and cupboards...added the sink sample, countertop, a bit of floor tile...the fireplace tiles and the each thing was purchased I added them to my board...:)
