Thursday, September 16, 2021

Bless This Mess


The work pile is getting smaller. Last week we couldn't even get through the dining area that we use for staging. Now we can see floor.

The pile is getting smaller because we have put in almost all the cabinets now. They still need tweeking. We've got gaps that need filler and doors that need adjusting but we should be able to get the counter people out here hopefully in the near future.

Here's a good look at how we are living at the moment. Still no sink. Still a mountain of clutter but we are closer to the end than where we were this time last year. 

I made myself sick all weekend worrying about what to do with the floor and I took all your suggestions to heart and did a lot of research. I finally came to the conclusion that it's just a darn old floor and if we hate it we can rip it up later and do something else. Pup agrees. She can't wait to throw up on it or even worse so we are just going to lay the boards the other way so it looks somewhat planned and just get it over with. What's a little difference in wood? It's not like I don't already live in a rustic cabin-like place with a cedar ceiling and mismatched wood furniture everywhere. This crazy floor should fit right in.


  1. So sorry that you had to spend the weekend fussing about what to do with the flooring-- but good for you for just deciding to move on and change it later if you really hate it. I like your idea to run the boards perpendicular to the other flooring. It does make it look as if planned... And besides, maybe match-matchy can be over-rated! :-)

  2. Progress in a big way! So happy for you!!!

  3. Deb, you almost have a kitchen! I'm SO excited for you. The cabinets are great and Pup looks excited too.
    I have the same decision to make. We have hardwoods throughout the main floor. The bath floors are both being redone soon. I want a vinyl to match the wood so it's not an obvious change. Others say different floors are normal. I still don't know what we're doing but the contractor just put us off a couple of months so I guess there's no big hurry.

  4. Progress!!! And I agree about the floor.

  5. It's starting to look like a kitchen again!!!

  6. Hooray for progress! You’ll be cooking and baking in your “new” kitchen in no time!

  7. I !ove the ec1ectic f1oor. Hang on Deb. It is beginning to 1ook 1ike a kitchen!

  8. Looking good! Good plan with the flooring!
