Saturday, September 28, 2019

Saturday Spinning

 I haven't forgotten about my unfinished TdF spinning but after all the frenzy of the Tour I usually take a break from fiber in August. I'm heading out this morning to the SVFF so I had to kick myself in gear this week to clean up the old fiber to make way for some new-hopefully.

I have this much more of the fiber I started spinning in July to finish and then that will finally be a done deal.

 I should get another small skein from Dirty Nora.

 This will be the fourth ounce in the gradient green skeins I've been working on. I've got one more to go.

 I'm hoping to get enough for a pair of socks out of Trinidad, the California Red. I still have plenty of washed fiber of hers to card so I should have a pair of socks worth in there somewhere. I hope.


  1. Oh, such fibery goodness! Fall is in the air and it will be fun to spin again--good choices, too.

  2. I agree with Dee: the green is beautiful.

  3. What a productive week and what beautiful yarns! Hope you have a wonderful time at the fiber festival.

  4. Oh it's all so pretty Debra. A fiber festival would be so fun. Enjoy!

  5. Oooh! Dirty Nora and that darker green are gorgeous!
