Sunday, September 8, 2019


Daughter and SIL drove straight through from Maine on Friday night so I got to come home Saturday morning. The news about the weather was not good thanks to Dorian so they decided a weekend home to recuperate would be better than sitting in the woods in the mud for two days. They arrived home at 1 am so I got up early the next morning and headed home. I stopped at the grocery store and picked up lots of veggies. After living on ramen for a week I needed colorful food. The first thing I did when I got home was make a big pot of vegetable soup.

The second thing I did was to make a pot of real coffee. I had been living off instant. Quelle horreur, right?

  I wish I had opened my pile of mail first because look what was waiting for me. Thank you Sandflies! You've been enabling my pumpkin spice fix for several years now and it's always greatly appreciated.

Jeannie sent me this as a soap thank you. Which reminds me I have 80 some bars of fall soap to wrap. I'll be looking for good homes in the near future so watch this space. Thanks Jeannie for the book. It really is a treasure. I love knitting books with a story line and this is one fascinating read.

 I also had this to open. One of you bloggy friends has been knitting socks with this and I had to have some. It took forever to get here and now I know why. It came all the way from Germany. It's getting tucked away until next summer though. I'm all about fall now.

 Speaking of fall, look at what Daughter brought me back from Maine.

 It's handspun.

Umm.......look at the price. Yowza...and she bought TWO skeins. She wants me to make her a hat with a pompom for a trip to Iceland she's planning. I'm going to have to do a lot of homework to come up with a hat that will look good in this yarn. It's pretty wonky, expensive but still wonky.

Then there were these. The one on the right sums me up pretty good don't you think? It's good to be home. This crafty b*tch needs a break.


  1. Welcome home!
    A plain hat is probably your best bet with that yarn - let the yarn do the work for you!

  2. The colors of the yarn are just beautiful. Love those socks! Fall weather would be wonderful to go with your soup.

  3. Welcome home! It is nice to be back to your own space! The goodies waiting for you are real treats! Enjoy.

  4. Good to hear everyone got home safely. Enjoy your treats.

  5. OMG! I love the crafty bitch socks! Glad your daughter got home safely. I wondered about what Dorian would do to her vacation plans. Hope you enjoy the book. Since it was local to both of us, I thought it was appropriate. :)

  6. Glad you made it home OK and found all that fun mail. I really like Regia yarn, too.+
