Monday, October 22, 2018

Desperate Measures

 You'd never know from last week's posts how miserable I have been. I've been slowly turning into an alligator patch by patch. I've been trying so hard to ignore it but this poison ivy is making me crazy. I've spent a fortune in remedies. These last few from Amazon were a good investment. That soak and that gel has been a real life saver.

 I also bought this special soap made with jewelweed that neutralizes the bad stuff in poison ivy. It might be too late at this advanced stage of misery but people swear by it. People make their own but I don't have any jewelweed around here. At least none that I have seen.

 I wish I had it on the days I was trying so hard to make sure I was not infected by washing myself down with Dawn after every tree cleaning up session. I must have missed a few spots because I am covered with the nasty stuff. My face, my ears, my neck, my arms, legs, ankles-every day a new evil patch appears. Sleeping is impossible. Ugh.

I haven't done much in days because I am too itchy and grouchy to do more than sit in front of my laptop and yell at people on Twitter. I've become a regular troll. I have managed to keep up with my Inktober project. That I can do. Nothing itchy there. No bending over. No bumping my blister covered appendages on anything. They say it's a three week process so onto week 2 and hopefully a little relief. I'll be so happy to be back in my own skin. Sigh....


  1. Oh my dear friend, I am so sorry. I know your misery. When I was an adolescent, I had poison ivy so bad it was on my eyelids. I used to have to get shots every week all summer for it while I was growing up in Iowa. I haven’t had it for years, thank goodness, but I do remember the agony. My prayers are with you for a fast healing and quick relief.
    Many blessings, Betsy

  2. I now have a rash all over my torso and legs. I am off to the doc this morning just to make sure it isn't anything I can give the kids I work with. I am itchy, but nothing like you are I can assure you. I think it is payback because I laughed when a friend told me her horrible ex-husband has shingles. I know, I am horrible.

  3. You must be miserable, but it sounds like you're getting some relief from the soak and gel. Take care.

  4. You need to stay in next Fall-you seem to get the rotten ivy itch every autumn! I'm sorry and hope you feel better soon!

  5. I feel for you - I really do. I've had it and it's horrible. And apparently you can't build a tolerance to it - each time you're exposed, makes the effect worse. If you can, I really recommend seeing the doctor about steroids.... I tried everything for relief, and the only thing that did anything for me was the steroids.

  6. I'm so sorry! You have to be careful. My father seems to have escalating reactions to Poison Oak from clearing the brush behind his house. Don't wait too long to go for professional help to find relief.

  7. Ack, stupid blogger app! Anyways, I hope you find relief AND heal fast. xoxo

  8. I sympathize with you. I had the same experience as Val/Wandering Cat Studio. It is a miserable experience for sure. I made a note of some of the products that gave you good results. Hope the worst is over!

  9. Oh Deb, I am so sorry. Skin itchies are the worst. And for you, the soap making guru, to need a certain soap is certainly ironic and not fair

  10. So sorry to learn about your poison ivy. I sure hope you're all better by now.
