Monday, May 14, 2018

Summer Soap Fail

Hello everybody! I know I said I wouldn't be making soap over the summer but my soap supply company made it too tempting to ignore all their new beachy scents.

 I was thinking of having a midsummer giveaway with just the CP soap. They don't melt in the hot sun like some of the other things do so I should be able to get away with mailing them.

 I also owed Daughter some floral scented soap since I shortchanged her with all those fruity scents she hated during the last giveaway. She loves honeysuckle so that was the first to be made. It all went well until the yellow turned orange.

 Here is the colorant. How did that happen? That was an omen that the soap gremlins were at work. It only got worse from there.

 The  two beach soaps look so pretty and smell so good-but they riced. That means that the batter clumped up like cottage cheese before I could pour it into the mold.

I should have looked at the reviews of the fragrance oils because it seems this is a common occurrence with these naughty scents in CP soap. I'll have to use it for other things like lotion bars or fizzies.

Ricing is not a good thing for the PH levels so I would never give it away. Sadly, both of those pretty loaves are now destined for the hand soap bin. Darn. I'm not giving up though. I've got more beachy smells on the way-and this time I checked the reviews.


  1. It is ALWAYS so disappointing to put in all that work and then not have something you love. Glad you'll still be able to use the scents for "something" even if it isn't soap.

  2. It’s so pretty, it’s hard to believe that it’s wrong. I’m sorry that you worked so hard on it only to have it be a flop. I’m glad it can still be used though.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. The bars really are pretty. . .chalk it up as experience and go forward from there. Reviews are something I tend to ignore, but your experience reminds me that it's always a good idea when trying something new.

  4. Sorry you had a soap fail! Love the photo of you in full face gear. I have learned so much about making soap from reading your blog. Had never heard the term ricing applied to soap. I think all of the soap looks beautiful even if it did not turn out with the right consistency.

  5. Awww darn it. I LOVE your masked photo lady!

  6. Oh, drat! These look so pretty! How could they not be perfect to giveaway? Sorry for the calamities.

  7. I really love how they look though and I love your mask.....I need something like that for when I'm using that darn weed wacker of mine. That thing is down right dangerous.

  8. They look very pretty and bet smell nice. I would home even the riced ones.

  9. I love the orange with the green! Sorry about the naughty soap though; those kind of days are most annoying. Hope today has been better!
