Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wednesday WIPs


I've still got the same ole socks on the needle I am sad to say. I really need to see the end of them but knitting in the summer always takes a backseat to everything else-at least when the sun's out.

Late at night I'm still working on the first sleeve of the Big Gray Blob. It looks like a big gray elephant now.

And...#22 is with it's siblings. I've pulled the colors for #23 but I haven't started it yet. Like I said, knitting takes a backseat when it's hot out. 


  1. Any progress is GOOD progress.

  2. Sometimes it is just too hot or humid to hold yarn in your hands. The socks are beautiful and only 2 more sweaters to go!!

  3. You're doing far better than me - I haven't touched any knitting in about a week!
    Those little sweaters are so darn adorable!

  4. Nice matching job on those socks!

  5. The socks will be done eventually! Maybe we need a TDF for knitting! lol
