Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wednesday WIPs


I've still got the same ole socks on the needle I am sad to say. I really need to see the end of them but knitting in the summer always takes a backseat to everything else-at least when the sun's out.

Late at night I'm still working on the first sleeve of the Big Gray Blob. It looks like a big gray elephant now.

And...#22 is with it's siblings. I've pulled the colors for #23 but I haven't started it yet. Like I said, knitting takes a backseat when it's hot out. 


  1. Sometimes it is just too hot or humid to hold yarn in your hands. The socks are beautiful and only 2 more sweaters to go!!

  2. You're doing far better than me - I haven't touched any knitting in about a week!
    Those little sweaters are so darn adorable!

  3. Nice matching job on those socks!

  4. The socks will be done eventually! Maybe we need a TDF for knitting! lol
