Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday Finishes


I finally finished the latest set of placemats and hot pads. Theses were supposed to be my July set and July's half over.

It was the search for the backing that held me up. I'm glad I held out for a piece from the original collection. If I ever make anymore I will make sure to order backing material at the same time. I doubt I will need this particular piece of wisdom because I do believe that these finish off the holiday/seasonal sets. I've got fall and Halloween covered and Christmas, winter, Valentine's Day and St Patrick's Day. Spring is done but not Easter....hmmmm. Do I really need to go there? Sigh...we'll see.

And.....the socks are off the needles too. These are Regia's  Arne and Carlo's Gargia colorway in a man size. I'm not casting anymore on until after the Tour. I've got enough on my plate right now. 

Not exactly finished but one sleeve down is the Big Gray Blob. I started the second sleeve yesterday. I haven't knit any of the ribbing until I get a human body to fit this thing on so it's all on cables and attached to different balls of yarn. You'd think that would make it hard to work on but they don't. I've got my fingers crossed that this pattern works out because it's been a pleasure to work on.-so far. 


  1. Look at all of the finishes. I adore that backing fabric, but then I love lighthouses! That's one of the reasons I loved visiting the Oregon coast. We always went to the lighthouses there.
    The socks are great too. I only have one and a half pair left to go for my Christmas socks. But now I've been asked to make three sweaters for the flower girls at the wedding in September. We fly out the first of September so I only have a month to get them done. Christmas will go on the back burner until they're finished. I hope you have a great (and cooler), Friday my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. No second sleeve syndrome allowed. Love the socks - that colorway is great!

  3. The socks are awesome.

    I think the spring mats would probably work for Easter too, but then you KNOW you're going to want some bunnies, or chicks, or .............I'm betting you'll be making Easter mats. LOL

  4. The new placemats and hot pad are really pretty--good for the rest of summer! The socks are such a great stripe pattern! Can't wait for the big grey blob reveal--nice job on sleeve finishing!
