Saturday, July 15, 2023

TdF Week 2

Two weeks gone already? It's flown by. Last week I worked on my Ashford Traditional wheel and finished all the California Red batts. 

I got two bobbins out of it. It's pretty wild and woolly stuff. It's going to be a two ply and I'll work on getting that done this week. 

The Ladybug's been sitting empty since the bad dye job adventure. It's been waiting for more white BFL to arrive in the mail.  When it got here yesterday I dyed it to add some more variety to the colors I had dyed before. 

I am not sure why I used up some of it with another blueish color-Spruce to be exact, but I did. I can blame the heat for getting to my brain I suppose. 

My new array looks like this. I know. It's Unicorn Barf. Ten ounces of Unicorn Barf but it will be fun to work with. 

The red spindle got a wind off. The other one will get one soon. With only one week to go I doubt I will see the end that I had hoped for of these two projects. There's always next  year I suppose. 

I only got the top inch or so of turquoise knit on the Garter Squish this week. This is my version of cycling up a mountain. It' so hard to wrestle with this thing. It looks small in the photos but it feels huge when it's in my lap. The 95 degree heat we've been having doesn't help. Yes, I am in the AC but my brain knows how hot it is outside and it keeps telling me I'm crazy to be covered in a wool blanket. 


  1. What pretty wool you are working with--it is very pretty, not barf at all!!!!

  2. I really like it all Debbie. Especially the California Red batts all spun up.
