Monday, July 24, 2023

Moving Day


The thing about being stuck in the house when it's hot outside is that you have too much time to think about rearranging things. Over the weekend the soap corner of the sewing room got moved downstairs.

It didn't make any sense to have all that messy stuff sharing a space with all my sewing stuff so I ran up and down the stairs all weekend moving it all around. Now it shares a space with all my painting stuff.

In the move I found a container of tea tree oil melt and pour soap so I melted and poured it into a loaf. The Mister is very fond of tea tree oil soap so it made more sense to use it up than store it. I added color and a wee bit more tea tree oil then chopped and grated up the colored bits to put in the mold.

Well...I'm a bit rusty at all this so it's not exactly the prettiest soap I've ever made but in the muggy buggy summertime glycerin soap is very light and soothing on itchy skin. 

And........the best thing is that we've got bubbles again. The water softener guy showed up as promised on Thursday and by Sunday we had water that acted like water is supposed to. I washed my hair. I washed the dog. I washed everything I could get my hands on. It's been a very busy couple of days. 


  1. I think that soap looks very nice. We're like you and love our soft water. Soap just plain works better with it!

  2. The soap looks great and tea tree oil is so soothing!

  3. I get a tea tree soap from Trader Joe's. I can't say I love the fragrance, but boy does your skin feel nice with that kind of soap, especially after a sweaty day.

    I'm sure Mister loves using the soap you made. Congrats on the softener. Good water makes all the difference.

  4. It's always refreshing to do a reorganizing job! The new soap looks great! glad the water problem is conquered!
