Saturday, July 8, 2023

TdF: Week One


In one week this tonal Falkland set........

...became this and this.....

...became this. I had to weigh it when I was done to make sure it was 4 ounces. It was. I don't think I've ever spun anything from start to finish so fast. There was a price to pay however. I let the riders set my pace every morning and it's all a bit over spun. I had a terrible time chain plying it. There was way too much energy in the singles. It's settled down a lot but it is not my best work. 

I spun two batts of the California Red on the Ashford. 

I also picked up the spindles every morning. These are two projects leftover from last year's Tour. They are both Merino. 

And.....when I wasn't spinning  I picked up the handspun Garter Squish to work on. That green section at the top is all I accomplished this week. Big needles and thick yarn is not my thing but I'm hanging in there with it for a few rows a day. 

Up next on the Ladybug will be this leftover project from last year. I had hoped to make thrummed mittens out of this so I stopped spinning with a couple of ounces leftover for the thrums. Then I realized I don't have nearly enough yarn for mittens so I am going to finish spinning this very soft Polwarth/silk blend and see what it wants to be instead.