Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday


I didn't get much stitching done this week because....placemats. I always think this is an easy, fast project and then after spending hours sewing on binding I realize it's not. I still have one hot pad to go before I can declare these done. 

I did get two flowers finished on Hen Peck.

I had hoped to get that big orange flower block done but that didn't happen. 

I did get one of these doo hickeys after watching a FlossTube episode. 

It's an adjustable pattern holder that clips onto your Q Snap. I had no idea such a thing existed but it sure makes my life easier. With my terrible eyesight, anything that gets that pattern closer to my face is a very good thing. 


  1. Cute placemats. Stitching is coming along...steady does it!

  2. You'll have to give us a review of the pattern holder. The stitching all looks great.

  3. Nice work on the stitching--I do love a good gadget!!!

  4. The clever clip will make stitching easier.

  5. You got a lot accomplished. I don't get nearly as much done in a week as you do. I've never seen one of those pattern holders before. Since I don't use a project holder, (q-snap, hoop, etc.), very often, it probably wouldn't work for me.
    Blessings and hugs,
