Saturday, July 22, 2023

Running Out of Road


It's been a wonderful three weeks of watching the Tour every morning. I'm sad to see it end tomorrow. I'm always sad to see it end. Last week I was all in a dither over my BFL project. I wasn't feeling all the blues but after going to all the trouble of dyeing more colors......

...I changed my mind. When I started to spin it I realized the blues were more than enough.

Voila. It's 5 whole ounces of three ply sea glass inspired BFL. 

What's going to happen to all those other colors I had dyed? 

How about some Barbie Dream House inspired stripes? The whole world has gone gaga over Barbie this week so why not. 

Unlike the primarily pink houses we see today, in 1979 her house looked like this. 

When we cleaned out the attic I was surprised not to find my old Barbie. This is the one I had. She had a red bubble cut and that dress. That amazing black dress. Of all the dumb things I managed to hang onto over the years why couldn't I have hung onto her? 


  1. That's MY Barbie too! I still had mine but have given it to Piper who loves dolls and babies of all kinds.
    That blue on the wheel is gorgeous! Really it is. I love it so much.
    Enjoy the last day of the race. It sure has a loyal follower in you.

  2. The fibers are gorgeous! No reason you can't spin for a half hour each morning for as long as you like! I always wonder why I put it all away again! That was the same Barbie I had, too!

  3. That barbie house is much cooler than the one I had. The one I had was was a knock-off 80s version of this one:

    It was mostly cardboard and didn't even have the elevator!

  4. We never had a house but we had pretty white plastic wardrobes for their clothes. Our poor dolls had to sleep in those suitcase things. We would prop them up and pretend they were houses. I don't think we even knew at the time the houses existed.
