Thursday, July 27, 2023

Squiggy and Shorty


Take a good look at this quilt top.  Notice all that pieced sashing in between the white blocks. It's what I've been machine quilting for the past few days and I am so over it. 

I finished all the white center blocks last week. I put a fancy thing in the middle and just outlined the white. Ages ago I started stitching a wiggly thing down all that pieced sashing not realizing how much work it was going to be. I have to mark every section as I go so it's stop and start. Stop and start. Yesterday I tried to freehand it to lighten the load but as you can see it didn't go so well. I had to pick it out and go back to marking it. 

Then I broke the needle. I spent a half hour trying to get the new one in. I couldn't find the little hole and when I did it just wouldn't stay in. It took me that long to figure out that the needle holding thingy doesn't work if the pressure foot is down. Who knew? I know now. 

While searching for my needles I found Shorty and Squiggy two machine quilting rulers I spent a fortune on ages ago. I found the special foot that you have to use too-also very pricey. I've never tried them. Maybe they could be the answer to all this stopping and starting you have to do through when you mark a quilt. I'm in too deep now with that Fall Batik thing but I'm thinking The Big Ugly might just be good for some experimenting. I've heard there's a pretty steep learning curve with these things but as awful as I am with all of this machine quilting stuff it couldn't hurt. 


  1. I'm sorry it's so much work for you with the stopping and starting. It's going to be so pretty when you're done though.

  2. Mom recommends checking our Angela Walters - she has some tutorials on using those kinds of rulers on a regular machine.

  3. It's looking good , though! The rulers can be very helpful!
