Saturday, July 29, 2023

Beating the Heat


Things got ugly here yesterday. We're under a heat advisory and it's been HOT. We've been getting Pup out early-like last game World Cup early which usually ends around 9ish. Then we spend the rest of the long day rattling around the house trying to find something to do. 

Since I now have a designated messy room in the cool downstairs I've been doing some print making using my gel plates and some Distress ink. 

Ages ago I had a really nice art journal. This one. It got ruined by a certain kitty when a certain kitty got locked in the craft room by mistake one night. Years of work gone in a puddle of....well, you know. Ugh. While going through my stuff during the big room switch I found another blank one so I thought some prints would be a nice way to start it off

This mandala's been sitting on my work table for months and months. I was stuck on the last rings but it's finally done. I bought a white gel pen and it made all the difference.

I've started another by first adding some watercolor. I do one ring at a time and it takes forever but it's the drawing equivalent of stockinette in the round. Mindless and soothing.

And....I've been suffering over these building sketches. I've done the same facades over and over and still can't get those angles right. I was hoping to watercolor them one day but that's a long way off. I see a lot of perspective exercises in my future first. As long as I'm inside and the AC is running it's all good. Unlike most of the country our heat wave looks to be short lived. We're back in the 80's by tomorrow. I hope.


  1. That mandala is simply amazing!

  2. I love what you are doing in the sketching/watercolor arena! I think art is very good for us!

  3. I'm always so envious of you girls who are so good at art. I can't draw a recognizable stick figure. The heat wave finally broke about 3:00 am this morning. It still got up to 86F today, but yesterday's "feel like" temperature was 116. Too hot. I stayed in as much as possible. Brad, Mandy & Piper spent yesterday afternoon & evening and today at the county fair and weren't able to avoid the heat. Piper won 4 first place ribbons, 2 second place and one third. Plus, one of her photography photos that she took at the fly-in at Osh Kosh last weekend won the Best in Show so she's going to the State Fair with it! She's worked so hard on all of her 4H projects and we're proud of her.
    I hope it's cooler for you tomorrow!
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Perfect or not, watercolour them anyway! They look wonderful!
