Monday, July 15, 2024



I've been putting the pedal to the metal trying to get this quilt done ASAP. I'd like to hand it over to my sister the next time I see her and that will be in a couple of weeks. 

I was dying from boredom as I went over all those hexie flowers. They take a lot of time so I bought myself a pair of these newfangled wireless headphones to keep my brain from going numb while I hum along on the very noisy Juki. Now I can keep up with my favorite murder podcasts and show runner's re-caps of dragon battles as I work.  I think they are going to come in very handy for lots of things. 


  1. My son gave me a pair of wireless headphones when he bought his new ones but I've rarely used them. Thanks for the reminder! I often listen with my earbuds in, but this way seems better for really listening (and ignoring what's going on around you).

  2. Murder podcasts are soothing, am I right?

  3. What a good way to while away the hours!!!
