Monday, July 22, 2024

The End of the Road


The Tour isn't just a spinning event for me, it's a sporting event. For three weeks I've gotten up at dawn to listen to Phil Liggett and Bob Roll call the race. I love seeing the beautiful French countryside fly by.  I only spin while it's on and this year I didn't get much time in front of the TV, I'm afraid. This is the sum total of my work minus the red bobbin.

I've been collecting those singles since 2021 but this year I finished them. That last toilet paper bobbin is this year's total. 

I'm very proud of these singles. They are as close to frog's hair as I can get. That's spinning talk for lace weight. I've got to finish transferring them all onto my Ladybug's bobbins so I can ply them but first I have to ply the Cormo that's on my only other bobbin. 

All that was done on Saturday so yesterday while I watched that miserably boring time trial they decided to finish up with, I played with the support spindles. Next year my effort will go into finishing up what's on the big Russian spindle. I'll never finish all that fiber but I should have enough to ply if I put my mind to it and I don't keep getting interrupted. Mister, I'm looking at you. 


  1. That looks like quite a respectable total to me! I have a respect and appreciation for handspun, especially if you're also putting down flooring.

  2. What an amazing lace weight yarn you have spun!!!! Definitely trophy material!

  3. Me again: a dory boat is (at least out here) a double ender that launches from the beach into the ocean--no marina needed. Basically, your truck backs your boat (on its trailer) into the water, the boat gets released from the trailer, and then it turns around and drives out into the surf. To land, it just guns straight on to the beach where it is stopped by the sand. There are easily 100 dories that 'live' out here, many of them fishing commercially. It's fun to watch them come in for the day. Here's a video of one of my neighbors landing a boat:

    1. That is so cool! They go right up on the beach. I wonder if they have them over on the Eastern Shore.

  4. Google "launching dory in Pacific City" to see how they launch.
