Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday WIPs


Truth be told, not much is getting done here this week. It's all floor, all day. By the time dinner rolls around I've got nothing left in the tank. I put a few inches on the fronts of the blobs and call it a day. 

I haven't been very far either so this is as much as I've gotten done on the travel socks this week. A few rows here and a few there is all I could manage. 

I did get the yarn for the Sheepish Little Sweater wound up early one morning but that's as far as that went.

Baby vulture has been hanging around a lot lately without Mom or Dad. It was showing off its wing span yesterday. There's a big flock of baby vultures down at the marina right now. I'm not sure why this one hasn't joined them yet. Shy, maybe?


  1. That's how projects get completed - a few rows at a time. That buzzard would kind of creep me out if I saw him sunning himself so I'm glad he's at your house!

  2. I don't have a big floor project going on and I am still scattered with my projects, too. I love the new yarn--beautiful!

  3. Ooh, I love the colors of the Pairfect socks you’re knitting!

  4. What is the baby vulture's name? I do like those Pairfect socks. I've made several pairs for Tim and they wear like iron.

  5. A while back, I had a vulture hang out on the deck for several days. It jump-scared me the first time I saw it, but I settled down. The sound those wings made when that bird took of was fantastic.

  6. You're so close to finishing those gray blobs! Have to admit, the vulture kinda creeps me out. I'm thankful we have eagles instead of vultures here. We had vultures at the old house and they really do give me the willies.

  7. Love the sock yarn you're using and a few rows is better than none. I've been playing with Piper for two days so have done virtually nothing with yarn. That's fine with me. Soon she'll be old enough to not want to hang out with Grandma.
    Still not thrilled with your visitor. :-)
