Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Fluff: TdF Week 2


With everything going on, I don't get to spin all the things every day while the Tour is on but I do get to spin something. That Cormo/Silk on the Ladybug that I wasn't so sure about is turning out to be my favorite spin ever. It just glides through your fingers and is oh, so soft. The colors aren't as bad as I thought either. 

On the old Ashford I've got that wonky cotton. Almost two bobbins worth.  I'm pretty sure it's overspun. Plying it is going to be interesting. 

Speaking of cotton, the cotton on the Spindolyn has been fun to work with. This is the way to go with cotton. The wheel is just a little too fast for it.  

I'm still trying to sort out the little tahkli. Changing cotton punis helped. I bought a box from a seller on Etsy ages ago and they are much better than the ones that came with the spindle. 

My little Golding drop spindle got a wind off this week. The end is finally in sight for this ruby colored merino that I've been spinning on it for years. When the Tour is over I am NOT putting it away until it's spun. It would be nice to start something new next year and turn this into something special.

And.......the BEST news of all? The painting is DONE. We can put it all away, hook the washer and dryer back up, spend the weekend doing laundry and then take it all apart again so we can tile next week. I'd like the say the end is in sight but we've still got a lot of floor to put down and a lot of trim work to do. No matter. It's too darn hot to go out and do anything else anyway. By fall we should be done. I hope. 


  1. You've got lots of lovely spinning (and the box that the tahkli is in is beautiful)!

  2. Cotton on the wheel is good to be overspun then when you ply it, it will be just right!

  3. I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I enjoy it and seeing your accomplishments. Some of your words are Greek to me! Pretty colors and designs though.
    Happy weekend, Virginia
    Well, I do get the painting part, the flooring part, etc. 😁
