Sunday, July 28, 2024

Another Big Harvest


The Mister's friend with the big garden is back from vacation and they had lunch together last week. The Mister mentioned how much I appreciated all the veggies so he invited us over yesterday to pick some more. It looks like dinner for the next few days is going to be a repeat of last week. Lots of ratatouille and eggplant parmesan. 

He also said to help ourselves to whatever green tomatoes we wanted so I turned a couple into a dinner. 

And.....look what showed up with my birdie buddies yesterday morning. A baby. I really didn't think they had any hatch this year. This one is a bit older than we are used to seeing.  Its white mane is almost gone. Soon it will be gone too. The parents will fly it away and drop it off somewhere so it can find a mate and start a life of its own. I suppose it isn't too different from dropping the kids off at college. 


  1. Lovely vegetables, but the vulture is less beautiful!

  2. Oh! Now I'm hungry! I love all the fresh veggies in summer. I'm not loving the current tomato worm infestation though. Those things are horrible! That bird is pretty impressive.

  3. I almost bought a little clearance eggplant plant the other day.... but neither of us actually eat eggplant! They just looked so cute hanging off the plant, I almost succumbed!

  4. The veggies are looking delicious!!! And what a handsome bird!

  5. The dropping kids off at college remark got me! 🤣

  6. What a beautiful harvest of veggies. How nice of your neighbor. The bird though. I have never been able to bring myself to appreciate vultures for any reason at all.
