Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


The top border of the summer patchwork is finished. I just have one more border section to go now and I hope that will happen sometime in August. This week I'll be working on autumn which I discovered with dismay had NONE of its borders done yet. 

Peter Rabbit's bottom half is starting to appear. That pink thread helps me figure out where I am. I do one grid box at a time and if I didn't mark them off as I go I'd be lost. 

Dear Jane has one more block of row C completely finished. I did all that crazy applique on D3 and got its borders on too.  It's another one of Jane's rather peculiar ones. I only have five more left in row C that need borders so until they are done I'm not starting anymore in row D. 

After taking the Sunday off, we are back to working on the floor. We had the last of the crazy cuts around the doors to do which was NO fun. We have one more insane section that will go in front of the laundry area and then it should be smooth sailing across the big room. I hope. 


  1. Pretty stitching. Peter Rabbit looks pretty detailed. Good luck with the flooring.

  2. You've made excellent progress on your summer stitching!

  3. Peter Rabbit looks great (but also quite fussy). But since he's for someone special, it will be worthwhile. Fingers crossed for smooth sailing on the rest of your stitching and the floor!

  4. Love the Summer Sampler! My sister uses temporary grids when she stitches complex pieces, too.

  5. Loving all the stitching!!! Good luck on the floor. Peter Rabbit has me cross-eyed already!

  6. Your projects are just beautiful!!! And the flooring - WOW!

  7. Beautiful job on the stitching--I love the detail on Peter Rabbit! The floors are looking incredible!

  8. First, kudos on perservering with the floor. I'm glad you're a lot closer to being finished with it. I really like the border on the summer piece. It's so pretty and delicate. Maybe I should look at using the grid squares too when I cross-stitch. The older I get, the worse my eyesight is and I find myself losing track of the squares. Thanks for the hint.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. Prayers for smooth floor sailing. Love the stitching!
