Thursday, July 18, 2024

Hot Stuff


There's only one way to survive in this weather. Get up really early and get out and do things before the sun gets very high in the sky. After I water everything, we get Pup out and head to the shadiest spot we know. That shady path through the woods....

...has a surprise ending. Even better, we had the whole beach to ourselves for a change. 

Pup could sniff things to her heart's content without worrying about disturbing any sun bathers. You'd have to be crazy to lay out in these temps. 

Back at home we carefully carried the washer and dryer onto the new tile. We haven't grouted yet but we needed to hook them up and get some laundry done. We'll probably grout this weekend. 

Then it was back to the floor where we had the most frustrating day ever. Lots and lots of little cuts around all the doors we have. We're lucky that The Mister has a knack for figuring out these things but it was still lots of tedious back and forth to the saw. 

On days like this I get bored out of mind sitting and waiting for something to do. Yesterday I had the good sense to bring my drop spindle along. My only goal for this year's Tour was to see the end of this red merino and if the floor continues to be this slow and boring I just might get it done by Sunday. I'm not getting much else done around here. 


  1. What a pretty place to walk. It's already warm here at 6:30...

  2. That looks like a lovely walk, especially with the surprise at the end. Nothing says wild weekend like grouting tile - enjoy! :-)

  3. That's like a secret path to an enchanted beach! I love it!

  4. You’re right about becoming an early riser to beat the heat. I used to do that before I moved: by 7AM, it was too hot to do much outside.

  5. Just yesterday, I was thinking about the phrase "laying out," and wondering if anyone else uses it...

  6. Somehow I missed this post from your beautiful walk!

  7. I well remember the slow work of nooks...
    I'm glad you are spinning during the slogging time!
