Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dollars for Donuts


When I went downstairs to clean up the mess we had made last Sunday when the Grands were over making soap, I noticed I had not used up all the things in the kit.

So I heated up the soap base again and made myself a couple.  You make two halves and them glue them together with hot soap base. 

Then you drizzle the leftover onto the tops like a glaze right before..... throw on all the sprinkles. 

They seriously looked good enough to eat. I wish they smelled more like donuts. The soap base came pre-scented with a rather cloying floral scent that I am not a fan of. If I make these again I'll buy a quality unscented base and use my own fragrance. The possibilities are endless and my imagination has run wild. Since you can use just regular old sugar based sprinkles that dissolve in water, I can see a lot of holiday themed donuts in my future. 


  1. These look realistic and delicious!

  2. Just beautiful! They would make great thank you'hostess gifts!

  3. Those are adorable! And I use that expression all the time and people say to me "what does that mean?" and I have no idea.
