Saturday, July 27, 2024

All Dressed Up


The Mister had a dentist appointment on Thursday so I took advantage of the quiet time to do this.

Even though I already have a suitcase full of Barbie clothes I have a new one that needed an outfit change and nothing suited her. 

I wanted a brunette Barbie and I found a reasonably priced one on eBay but she came looking like this and it was a bit too precious for me. 

I didn't realize her pink headband was a permanent part of her hair until I took it off. She's rather bald under there. I started this whole thing off by having to  make her a new one and it soon escalated into a new dress using the pattern book I have.  

It was NOT a good experience. Thank goodness I have this little tiny clover iron. I'm used to working with tiny pieces because of Dear Jane but this was something else. There is so much wrong with that pattern and the directions. I honestly think I can do better on my own and I'm going to try. I'm not giving up.

The hardest part was the fabric selection. In a room full of fabric I had next to nothing that was the proper scale for a tiny doll. I didn't have a thing that matched the new headband which was made from a charm square. Daughter had bought this brown floral fabric to make masks with and while not very exciting it worked for a trial run. 

And.....on the home front it was trim day which is a terrible bore. If I didn't have the Olympics Opening ceremony to watch on my phone while I waited around I would have lost my mind. I have to say the French really understood the assignment. It was one crazy ride. 


  1. Well, if you have a new headband, you MUST have a new dress!

  2. Your brunette Barbie looks lovely in the dress and headband you made for her! (She looked Gypsy-like in her odd spring petal outfit.)

  3. Making your own Barbie clothes is not for the faint-hearted! The new dress is very pretty!

  4. I really like your Barbie's new dress. The floral seems to be almost perfectly sized for her.

  5. Man - are they really cheaping out that much by not putting hair under the hairband??? That's insane.
    I always hated the Barbie's that had permanent stuff - like the ones with painted on bathing suits... I always needed a blank slate for my own creations!
