Sunday, May 26, 2024

Up in Smoke


The Mister has few vices but one of his non-negotiable ones is his cigars. He usually buys them online and has them mailed here but he can't do that in Maryland anymore because they are flavored-chocolate and strawberry. You wouldn't believe the panic in the house all week until he could figure out how to replenish his dwindling stash. What it took was a long drive out of state so that's what we did yesterday. It included a lovely 2 and 1/2 hours of sitting in Memorial Day traffic on the Washington DC Beltway. Good times.


  1. We all have our own vices, but I'm glad that chocolate and strawberry flavored cigars are not among mine!

  2. Pennsylvania. Right over the border.

  3. Ya gotta do what you gotta do.

    (Thanks for validating my headache screed, by the way. So happy knowing it's not just me.)

  4. Why can't he get them in Maryland anymore? Did they outlaw them? I've never heard of flavored cigars! I have to admit, those are two of my favorite flavors. I hope you took knitting along for the car trip.

  5. You are a very patient person! How are you liking Tom Lake?

  6. Well, at least you found some for him. Did you get to knit on the way at least?!

  7. Oh that sounds like Dave - I can get him to give up his little cigarellos. Here in Canada they can't be called food flavours, but they can still have food flavours - they just have to have non-food names. So the brandy-flavoured ones he likes are "Classic". The cherry flavoured ones I enjoy every blue moon are "Red"

  8. We may sell those at the grocery store where I work. I'll take a look...
