Sunday, May 19, 2024



This is when I really miss Dad's big design wall. I don't have a place big enough to lay out the pieces of a top when I am assembling them. Yesterday, in The Mister's extended absence, I worked on figuring out the sashing with the February quilt and it would have really helped to have either a big table or a design wall. I didn't realize how big this thing is going to be when it's all put together. It's only nine blocks.

Ditto with the quilt I am helping my sister put together out of Dad's scraps. You need to back away to see if the colors are working right but in this tiny space that's not happening.

I also found time to get another section machine of Charming Stars quilted. I need to get a move on finishing this because it looks like soon I'll have a backlog of sandwiches waiting.

And....I got the final coat on the doors and the trim yesterday.

It rained again all day (!) but this guy helped keep that room dry enough to paint in. I love my dehumidifiers. They work so hard. When you live near the water you almost need one in every room. 


  1. Yay for dehumidifiers ! I love, love the quilts…and you must have so much energy to get all that painting finished. Well done.
    Happy Sunday, Virginia

  2. The quilts are coming along--so pretty! The painting job is spectacular!

  3. We had to have a dehumidifier in the camper when we lived in it all winter in Spokane. It was a lifesaver.
    The quilts are beautiful, every one of them. Of course my favorite is still the February quilt.
    The paint looks great. Very similar to our paint color here in the condo.

  4. The quilts look great, and the room looks so spiffy!

  5. All your quilts are looking fabulous and you're making me feel like quite the slacker in the sewing department
