Thursday, May 30, 2024

Still Floored


We made a little more headway on the flooring yesterday. We stopped when we got to the tricky cuts. Tired old brains don't work well so we'll tackle that fresh this morning. 

In case you're wondering what on earth I have on, it's the white sweatpants I wore when I played the first jellyfish on the right in our rink's Octopus's Garden production number. The split up the leg is so I could get them over my skates. Now they make great work pants when the work is dirty. There's nothing I can do to them that could make them worse than they already are. 

As for the rest of my day, I've started inching my way up the front of the worsted Gray Blob picking up the stitches for the front bands. I'm terrible at this so I have to take my time. 

And....I got the underarms Kitchnered on Riddari. That went off without a hitch which never happens so I'm chalking it up as a win on a day when I really needed one.


  1. Riddari and the "blob" are both coming along nicely! I am not envious of the floor work you have....

  2. I'm glad there was at least one win in your day, and I think it was a big one. Here's to more wins today!

  3. Those are sure tricky cuts-map it out on paper first and transfer the marks! The pants are great for jobs like that---what a good idea! Nice to have the sweaters hit some good milestones!

  4. Everybody needs to have a pair of pants like that. There is always dirty work to be done somewhere!
    I really enjoy doing the kitchener stitch on socks. It's over way too quickly for me as I think it's my favorite part of sock knitting. Congratulations on all of your progress on both Bob and Riddari.

  5. Yay for mitered armpits! Because of all the mitered square afghans I've knit, I've gotten pretty good at picking up stitches and enjoy doing it. I'm sure yours will turn out lovely!

  6. Riddari is gorgeous. You picked beautiful colors.

  7. May the rest of the floor be finished quickly and you can enjoy a crafty weekend

  8. I would bet that you're the only person who has Octopus Garden skating sweat pants.
