Wednesday, May 29, 2024



I had high hopes when I took this photo at 9 am yesterday. I thought we'd have that little room done in no time. 

This time around we had bought one of those guillotine things that made cutting easy as pie but that wasn't the problem.

These six rows took us six hours. The @*#&$*# planks wouldn't snap together. We fought and fought but they would come apart the minute we tried to connect the row with the row before it. We read directions. We watched videos. Nothing helped. I even resorted to duct taping the joins together as we lifted the row to snap it in place. We had the same problem with the upstairs with the first few rows but once we got the technique it all came together just fine. I'm not sure what's going on now but I hope today we have a breakthrough. If not, it's going to be one long summer. 

Before we started with the downstairs, I did get a few minutes to myself while The Mister ran to the store. I had tied the willy nilly sock yarn scarf on over the weekend and I finally got to do some weaving. My session began here and.....

...ended here. It's about 12 inches long now. For the first few inches I thought the whole thing was going to be a big mistake but then it started to come together. It's the most fun I've had with sock yarn in a long while. I think I love it. 


  1. The scarf colors are lovely and I hope the floor behaves much better today!

  2. Your scarf is going to be such a joy to wear this Fall/Winter!!! I love the detail of the weave!

  3. I sure hope today brings a breakthrough in the flooring issue and I agree with Dee. That scarf is gorgeous!

  4. My husband and I laid the flooring on our porch. The guillotine thing would have come in so handy. (Though when our tempers flared, it might have been the source of a threat or two.)

  5. Argh. Flooring. I hope you found the magic solution. And I agree with Dee 100%

  6. I feel your floor frustration. I have to get Dave to do the first row, because I can never seem to get them together tight enough. After he does that, it's smooth sailing for me!

  7. The new weaving project is just beautiful!!! What a bummer with the flooring. The only time I observed it being installed, it went together easily and stayed together. Good luck!

  8. Love the scarf! Sorry about the flooring. I've never experienced laminate but I have helped my husband with wood flooring a time or two. It's back breaking but fairly easy work.
