Monday, May 13, 2024

Rainy Days and Mondays


Yesterday looked like it was going to be another beautiful day but minutes into our daily Pup walk we got drenched and then hailed on. By the time we got home we are all freezing so a hot cup of tea was in order while I sorted out the rest of my day hoping it would be uneventful enough that I could get some sewing done. 

It was nobody's fault but my own that what I did end up doing for the afternoon was some hand sewing while I watched a live stream of the Eras Tour in Paris that starts around 2ish here. That may sound ridiculous but it gets worse. I've watched every night so far. Yep-all four now. There's just something about that huge crowd of happy people all singing along off key that I just love.  

The one thing I said I was going to do and I actually did do yesterday was make that big pot of baked ziti. At least I won't have to cook for a few days. 


  1. Definitely a soggy weekend here. Saturday morning was nice...the rest of the weekend was cold and wet.

  2. The relaxing afternoon sounds good and the ziti looks wonderful!

  3. I don't think you need to offer any apologies for watching the Eras Tour. Something that makes you happy, doesn't cost an arm and a leg, isn't illegal, and doesn't harm anyone else in any way is something you should do as much as possible. That baked ziti would make me happy!

  4. Nothing like a hot cuppa on a damp day!

  5. If you can, please share your baked ziti recipe! It looks fabulous.

  6. The tea and teapot are so pretty and cozy. The baked ziti looks so delicious.
