Saturday, May 11, 2024

A Run for the Roses


Yesterday was Put Up the New Fan Day and I'm happy to say it worked and we didn't burn the house down.

While The Mister fiddled with the fan I got a coat on the sliding doors that I am turning into a chalkboard. 

After that we took a road trip out to where The Mister's mom was laid to rest. He has a thing about being the first in the family to leave her flowers on Mother's Day. It looks like he won the race again this year. 

All that flower arranging must have worked up an appetite because on the way home he wanted to stop for food. He never wants to stop for food. He came out with the GIANT sized subs. He must have really been hungry. 

If that wasn't bad enough, he wanted a dessert so he ran into the grocery next door and this is what he came out with. There goes the diet I just put myself back on last week. the mailbox was a cute Mother's Day card from Daughter and a drawing from her Baby Grand. Mother's Day sure hits differently once your mom is gone. Going out to the cemetery always gives me the feels especially since it's located in the area that I grew up in. There are so many ghosts on those old city streets. Happily, only a few of them followed me home. 



  1. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  2. You're making great progress from the look of things, and your husband is taking care of the rewards!

  3. Awww. I love that you are able to leave the flowers--your love still goes on. I keep saying I need to shed 10 lbs and then do nothing about it...

  4. Happy mother's day! The food is making me hungry!

  5. Happy Mother’s Day to you, you deserve it! So lovely to see those cards, your husband being thoughtful and all those goodies. Enjoy, Virginia
