Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Fluff


I got to dye stuff the other day. That's some Corridale I had laying around. 

It seems the handspun that I thought was going to work on the sock didn't. There was too much green in the new yarn.

I took what I had left of the original and tried to match the colors with the dye I had.

Oh, dear. It's not really a match but it is pretty. I'm going to spin it and see what happens. 

I've got to get this crazy stuff off the wheel first. It's ready for plying. 

Since those socks are now going into time out for a long while, I thought I would cast on another pair with the new Felicini. I bought it because it matches my new bag. I said I was going to find a yarn that went with it for its very first project and I sure did. 


  1. Perfect match of sock and bag.

  2. Oh, I am having withdrawals from all things spun---your newly dyed wool is so very pretty!!
    what a perfect match for the new knitting bag! It's much more subtle than the usual Felici!

  3. Sorry your dyeing didn't turn out exactly as you wanted but that Felicini matches your bag perfectly. I'll be interested to hear what you think about the yarn. The last time I visited Knit Picks I was surprised that they had discontinued Felici and many of the reviews were not terrific.

  4. LOL on the socks matching the bag. Because I would do that.
