Sunday, May 12, 2024



It rained all day Friday but silly me still sat up all night trying to get a glimpse of the aurora. I had the weather and the NOAA aurora forecasters on speed dial going back and forth to see if a window would open up in the clouds and about midnight it did. Someone said that you may not be able to see anything with your eyes this far south but your phone might pick it up so I took a few photos. I'm going to pretend that this one shows a bit of the pink in the upper right hand corner to make myself feel better. I get way too excited about stuff like this and then terribly disappointed. I've been aurora chasing for years without a bit of luck. 

Yesterday we were supposed to have more showers and thunderstorms. We even had a coastal flooding advisory but as you can see it was a beautiful day. There were some clouds but it was mostly clear-so clear you could see across the bay pretty easily. You could even see the nuclear power plant which is usually not visible. It would have been prefect conditions for more aurora viewing but noooo....that old sun decided she'd had enough and withdrew her splendor in spite of some predictions saying otherwise. Darn. our sadly ordinary sunset I poured myself a glass of wine, went outside and made myself a fire and once again rued my misfortune. Next time. 

Oh....and happy Mother's Day everyone! I'm making myself a pot of baked ziti and then locking myself in the sewing room for the day. Good times. 


  1. I've seen the Aurora twice and it was very other-worldly! My son in Seattle had a great viewing but not here! I know your disappointment! Have a nice day!!!

  2. Happy Mother's Day! I couldn't see it from here but apparently others here could take pictures of it and I just don't understand how that happens at all.

  3. I felt the same frustration! I was so excited that people as far south as FL might be able to view the northern lights, so there was certainly a good chance for me to see them in NJ. Damn clouds! I may have to head to Norway.

  4. I am so upset about the auroras - I asked Dave if he would go out with me and he just wanted to go to bed - then the next day EVERYONE was posting AMAZING pictures!!!!
