Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday


Things are still crazy here with the downstairs redo. Yesterday we put up another new ceiling fan and then went out and hauled all of the old deck furniture to the metal bin at the dump. I did manage to get more of my little houses finished this week. I keep telling myself if I only did one a day I could knock them out. Now that all the appliqueing is done for the paper pieced quilts, that just might happen.

I do have a finish. Sheep Heap is done. I plopped down on the couch on Sunday and just kept on going until it was finished. 

My woolly friends now join the rest of the critters in the series. Only the turkeys have yet to be finished. I'll do that in the fall.

Next up, for my summer project, are my piggy friends. I didn't have all the colors I needed to get them started so I'll have to wait until they get here. In the meantime I have plenty of little houses to keep me busy when I can spare a minute. We are going to pick up the flooring today so a new phase of the adventure will soon begin. 


  1. The animal stacks are so cute. I hadn't realized how many of them you have stitched. Love your Quaker - the little snail is too cute.

  2. Hooray for flooring, more houses, and all those critters! I hope you find time for all of them.

  3. How cute are all those stacks of animals? Very cute.

  4. Oh, I didn't know they were a group! Those are wonderful.

  5. What a great collection of finished stitching and plans for the next one!!!!
