Friday, February 18, 2022

Hope Springs Eternal


I've been down in the dumps lately. Between dodging the virus and this awful weather this winter has been no fun. But yesterday I found.........crocus!

In fact, all my spring bulbs are up. Now that's just crazy. It was 70 degrees yesterday but it was just a brief respite from the cold I'm sad to say. 40's and 50's are normal around here for this time of year. You can keep your 20's and 30's. I hate them and we've had more than our fair share. 

Camilia is also doing her thing even though she's losing blooms to the frost. Poor thing. It's still nice to know she's thinking about spring. I know I am. I want off this crazy roller coaster.

And....some of you asked about my new quilting doohickey. It's Quilt in a Day's Sew Straight template. It's stiff plastic and it sticks on your machine bed nicely but you can take it on and off when you need to. I found it on Amazon for $10.95 and it's worth every penny to not have to mark all those little squares. 


  1. Crocus! You lucky girl. We're supposed to have below zero temps next week after a predicted high of 62 on Sunday. It's been crazy here this year too, although I have to say the lower temps are much more normal here in February.

  2. I think almost everyone is ready for some good spring weather to hang around.

    Sadly, it is still going to be awhile.

  3. My bring bulb temporary garden is currently under a couple feet of snow (we got a pile last night after a couple teasing days of weather above freezing). I hope they are doing well! For now I will enjoy yours!

  4. I used to love to spot the first crocus buds!
    One of the watercolorists I just watched on YouTube how to paint some crocus!
    ( )

  5. You have Spring! Love the green popping up!

  6. Thanks for sharing your cabin fever fee1ings. I have fe1t very cooped up this week. Then I fee1 1ike don't want to go out in the co1d and ice anyway. We gave it a go once maybe twice 1ast week. Hopefu11y we wi11 be ab1e to go out tomorrow and wa1k . It is supposed to be near 50. But that is usua11y not inc1uding the wind and that's a big b1uff. Day by day at a time. We are hea1thy and that shou1d be a11 we need. Thank goodness for you and others who make me norma1!

  7. This has been a weird winter for me. I've embraced and enjoyed the cold. And I'm not ready for spring yet, although I do want it to arrive on March 1st. Our dafodills have come up, or at least their leaves are 5 or 6 inches up. And I think maybe the Iris are up too. And one of our Camilias has buds. No blooms yet though.
