Sunday, February 20, 2022

In Closing


I can guarantee that I was bawling this morning. When they do the handover over to the next country and put out that flame I always go to pieces. 

I had some serious knitting mojo going on for the first week. I cast on socks.....

....finished advent sweater Number 6 and finished the body on Number 7.

I really don't want to discuss the ill fated Holm mitten but I had to laugh at this photo. It looks like a demon here doesn't it? I'm scared to pick it up again. I think it's possessed. 

Bye, bye Beijing. It as a great two weeks minus the skating thing. I'm proud of the fact that I've refrained from saying what I thought about that here but if you think for one minute that dramatic outcome was not planned and choreographed well in advance once certain people got caught...I've got a bridge to sell you. 


  1. You did get a lot of knitting done while distracted with the Olympics! I'm sorry that cheating is such a common place thing in high places that no one bothers about it anymore!

  2. I hadn't noticed about the mitten until you pointed out the facial features. Ha!
    It's so sad that no one really seems to care about actual talent anymore.

  3. That's a great output of knitting Love the new socks

  4. It took me a moment to see the devil mitt, but yep! It's a demon! LOL All your other projects look great though. Hope the exorcism on the mitt worked. :) And yes, I agree about the Olympics. I was obsessed for the first time over the first week but the cheating and politics turned me off and I barely watched any of it the last few days.

  5. Oh your mitten is too funny. We watched very little of the Olympics, some of the Hockey games:)

  6. Love those socks; you are such a good matcher-upper! What is you secret? This year I just wasn't inspired to watch the Olympics and now with all the stuff that happened am kind of glad I didn't.
