Saturday, February 5, 2022

Almost Speechless


One of Daughter's students made some gifts for the newest Grand. Just look at that. Look at that hat. That's the work of a young girl. She just graduated from high school. 

She made this too and it gets better......

....on the back she added a cat surrounded by hearts because Daughter is kitty crazy. 

This particular student was always a big part of our production teams. Those are her legs somewhere in the Hungary Caterpillar costume I made for our Reading Rainbow number. It's the only photo I could find of her to show that all that beautiful knitwear was made by a youngster. My baby knitting game is atrocious so I can't even begin to put into words how impressed I am. I didn't even know the kid could knit. 


  1. Wow! Wow! WOW! That is quite impressive. It puts my measly efforts to shame. I love that hat and the sweet sweater. But that one piece and the kitty. She is one talented teenager. I wonder if she'll end up as a knitwear designer. That is SO cool.

  2. Those are all amazing! The hat is beautiful. What a lucky baby! And it's pretty clear that the young lady really loves your daughter.

  3. She is not only talented, she is fearless!! Fantastic knitting all for her very loved teacher!

  4. Your daughter must be a wonderful teacher to inspire such a gift.

  5. Your daughter must be a wonderful teacher to inspire such a gift.
