Wednesday, December 29, 2021



When we had the living room floor refinished we moved all our bookcases into the hallway. We never moved them back because we filled the living area with all the kitchen stuff. Yesterday I noticed that several of the shelves were collapsing so I spent the day......

....sorting dusty books. I had boxed most of them up to donate ages ago but then unboxed them and put them back on the shelves because the boxes took up too much room. 

All these books were a part of my pre-retirement folly. I was convinced I would be poor and bored so I stocked up on things like yarn and books. I was going to spend my golden years learning new languages and knitting the day away but post retirement life has been anything but poor and boring. 

I pulled some of the best books out to put in the little lending libraries that have popped up in town. Mystery and crafting books seem to go fast and I've got some good ones. Today we're going to head out to the thrift stores and see who wants what. I've got four bags of CDs and two boxes of DVDs that need to go as well. Now if I could only convince The Mister to get rid of his six crates of vinyl albums I would have made an even bigger dent in the clutter. 


  1. I hear you! I need to sort through things and box them up to GO. We no longer can play DVDs on anything, so why keep them?

  2. I did the book donation thing before we moved (And I still moved six boxes of books!) and it felt so good. I tried to get Dave to let the DVDs go, but no.... they went from a box in the old basement to a box in the new basement. And lets not even talk about the vinyl... it's not even Dave's... he inherited it from his grandfather... and there's like 8-10 milk crates full....

  3. Good for you for donating your books, etc. Some of them look really good to me. I put some in a "Little Library" down the road awhile back. When I drove by next time, the books were all on the ground. Vandalism is so rampant here. Next time I'll just donate them to a thrift store.

  4. Books take up so much space, I wish my husband would get rid of some:)

  5. Keep the vinyl! My teen daughter and her friends have "rediscovered" vinyl records since the pandemic. My husband and I are constantly kicking our own rear ends that we donated all our vinyl records as young adults.

    It has been a real pleasure to discover with our teen the joys of listening to a record.

  6. Your pre retirement perspective is pretty common. After I retired, it didn’t take long to wonder how I ever had time to work. I don’t regret taking the plunge earlier than most — still not poor and still not bored.

  7. Haha. I love the look of the shelves. We aren't going anywhere for at least two more weeks. Keeping my guy safe if I can. So so happy my nurse career ended before the pandemic!

  8. You are a good role model! You need to check with a record store; I'll bet some of yours are quite valuable!

  9. Nice job on the book purging! What a good feeling!
