Friday, December 17, 2021

Another Birthday

I worked my behind off yesterday. I know it was my birthday but I had a grocery order to pick up, boxes to unpack, kitchen cabinets to fill and dinner to cook. The Mister helped for a change and we had veggie fajitas in the new little electric skillet that I bought as a birthday gift to myself.  During the remodel I've been relying on my parent's ancient one and I bet that teflon coating is a health hazard so I traded it in on a newer, safer model. 

Before the grocery pick up we took Pup for a walk in the park across the street. We usually have the place to ourselves but it seems they are using it as a Covid testing site and it was packed. Yikes. Our county hospital put out a statement yesterday that they are filled at the moment with Covid patients and can't take anymore. Double yikes. 

After dinner all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch and take a nap but it was 60 degrees out and a prefect night to go see the lights so we did. 

The place is always lit up like crazy but my favorite is always the crab pot tree. 

It's hard to believe you can take a pile of crab pots and turn it into something so pretty.

Pup and The Mister got to pose on the pier. is #1 Son's birthday. This is me 44 years ago at the surprise baby shower that my mom and my sisters threw for me. I was telling Daughter at her shower that at mine I had the flu with a fever and couldn't understand why my mom was insisting I come to her house for dinner when I felt so awful. 

It wasn't until I got all the gifts home that night and starting playing with all the baby things you see in that crib that I had the first inkling of what was to come. Oh to be that young and clueless again. 


  1. My Mom used to have an electric skillet that she used all the time. They are really handy!! Love all the lights and the crab pot tree is too funny (and pretty). Fun pictures from the past too - time flies, doesn't it?

  2. What a beautiful walk to see the lights and to walk down memory lane! Lovely.

  3. Happy Birthday to you and your son! So 44 years ago you went into labor on your birthday?! A sweet present for sure! :)

  4. Happy Birthday to your son. It sounds like you got a lot accomplished on your own birtday.
    The first thing I got for my hope chest was an electric skillet I won for being a hostess for a Tupperware party. I used that thing like crazy. When the teflon was coming off I finally got rid of it
    Love the old pictures. If we only knew then what we know now, right?

  5. Happy Birthday to your son! You almost share the day! Those crab pots are beautiful!!
