Saturday, July 31, 2021

Pillow Fort


I was so disgusted by yet another day of miserable heat and humidity that I threw a sheet over the couch, piled up a giant bunch of pillows and made a day of it in front of the TV watching weird Olympic sport in my jammies. I kinda had a headache and kinda didn't. I knit. I spun, I stitched a bit-but none of it was fun and no real progress was had. I need a day out. I need some fresh air. Hopefully that will be today. 


  1. Fresh air...that would be good, hot, humid and smoky here again today:(

  2. I have that "almost a headache" feeling right now. And a billion things to do but no energy to do them.

  3. Find a good place for a meal and an ice cream cone or snow cone and have a blast.

  4. Sounds like you need a day of rest. It is horrible here, hot and humid but we won't get a break until October, wah!

  5. Glad you made the best of it--I couldn't go out at all yesterday because of the heat index--it was a scorcher! I'm glad we can find plenty to do indoors when it is like that!
