Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Flowers

 All the big blooms are spent. The camellias had one heck of a year. They were all gorgeous. Now they are making a big mess all over the place but it's a small price to pay.

We are so lucky to have our big backyard during this lockdown thing. We spend a lot of time walking the paths with Pup.

 Yesterday I noticed that lots of little stuff is blooming.

 I don't know what most of it is. We pick up an odd thing or two to plant each year we go to the MDSW from the nursery vendors. We stick it in the ground and forget about it.

 That's a welcome sign. The Mister and I are always on the lookout for the first Jack in the Pulpits each spring.

 The May Apples are everywhere. You have to watch where you walk. They cover the paths.

 So do the violets.

 The violets are also having a good year. There are lots of different varieties out there. I never noticed so many before.

 My poor bulb pots are pitiful except for the grape hyacinths. They survived the neglect. I need to put them in the ground when they have finished doing their thing.

 I've got three generations of Hostas coming up already. These are Mom's mini Hostas still in her big black pot that always sat on the edge of her deck.

 These are my grandmother's giant Hostas that I transplanted from her house ages ago. They are huge and will cover the front beds in a matter of weeks.

These are some medium sized Hostas that I picked up at a local nursery when we first moved here-almost 30 years ago.

Finally we have the Vinca in bloom. It is my mortal enemy as it climbs all over everything. I'm not going to stop it this year. Let it live. Let it all live. It will be here longer than any of us ever will.


  1. You have so much blooming! It's wonderful. We had snow today. And a tornado. We NEVER have tornadoes. And an earthquake. And hail. And snowthunder. And sunshine. It was the strangest day I've ever experienced.

  2. Beautiful blooms! Stay healthy. Liana

  3. I grew up in Maryland and your photos just reminded me of how many beautiful little flowers there are in that state! We had a large yard leading to woods and I loved looking for Jack in the Pulpits - haven't thought about that in years! And the violets - so absolutely lovely!

  4. Such beautiful blooms. I love Jack in the Pulpits and May Apples. Enjoy!!

  5. I'm not sure what the yellow flowers are, but the green/white one below it looks like a Hellebore.

    I'm still waiting on all mine... I've got a mini daffy set to pop, but we just haven't had any sun. But one day soon now!

  6. Right now, I’m craving GREEN, but it will be weeks before it appears. Another snow storm barreling down on Wyoming this weekend. Sigh

  7. It has been a beautiful spring. So much green, yellow and purple.
